Sunday, October 14, 2007

Friday, October 12, 2007

Overusing of Technologies in the Future

“Overusing of technology in the future”

Ever since the Industrial revolution, technology has been changing at a fast pace, people are always wanting a better lifestyle therefore there is always something new arising so humans can cope with their physical environment. One of the most important breakthroughs for technology was the agricultural system. The agricultural system was the basis for the technology of the future. The agricultural system brought on the need for transportation, workers and even, battles over land. The need for transportation brought vehicles into the market. The need for employees brought mechanical robots into society. Battles over land brought on the need for sophisticated weapons. The agricultural system brought on a revolution. The invention of the television can bring media and other forms of entertainment into your house with video and audio combined.

Before, newspapers and radio were the only ways to bring media or entertainment into the house. Mass production and other job opportunities brought many people from the suburbs and farms into the city. We can now have forms of electricity directed into our houses for heating and light. Humans are more reliant on technology then ever before. All of these technological advances sound great; however, there is a negative effect to all this technology. Technology can serve to actually harm humans rather then help them.

Competition between companies or even cities can sometimes make lives for humans even worse. Take for example when a city builds better and more roads to attract tourists.. Technology also changes our sense of common purpose. New inventions such as the personal computer and machines can change our lifestyles. Even things we take for granted such as the automobile have negative effects on technology. All of these examples show how technology has negative effects on society.

Yes, competition can lead to a negative effect of technology. Many inventors compete because for them they were all good in that aspect. But they didn’t know the effect of what they are doing. All they want is to endorse to the society if what is their latest invention. It is also the cause of the discontentment of the people.

Technology we take for granted such as the automobile can have a negative effect on society. The automobile must have been one of the greatest inventions. It allowed people to move out of highly congested cities and move into more peaceful neighborhoods. Yet it also let people feel as if they were still a short drive away from the city. However, the negative effects of the automobile were not thought of in those days. Now it is clear of what negative effects the automobile has on society.
Now we begin to realize the effects of these modern technologies. Automobiles are a good example of how technology can backfire on this world. Automobile exhausts are polluting the atmosphere so much that the next big technological advancement should be to find a way to heal the environment.
And it is clear that in the 7th revolution, our situation will become worse. And because of that effect, dissemination of information will surely affected. And it will back into basic. People will again experience the situation way back on the years with out the use of technologies.;-Good-or-Bad?&id=96962

Monday, October 1, 2007

Blog Entry 4

Computer Abuses

When we say computer abuses it is the unauthorized use of, or access to, a computer for a purpose contrary to the wishes of the owner of the computer or the data held thereon.
The types of computer abuse most frequently seen are illegal distribution of commercial software and material under copyright, email harassment, stolen accounts, unauthorized access or break-ins, and stolen equipment. Such activities are clear violations of the university's Acceptable Use Policy, and may also be violations of the Code of Student Conduct.

Most of the people today abuse the computer in so many ways. For example the most common of that problem is the pornography. They use computer to display nude pictures and videos, which also influence people especially the minors.
Other problem is the computer fraud. It is the conduct which involves the manipulation of a computer or computer data, by whatever method, in order to dishonestly obtain money, property or some other advantage of value, or to cause loss.
And because of computer, people invade your privacy. Hackers use different techniques to attack your private properties.

Privacy Issues

If people have its own privacy and freedom of expression, new technologies also have its privacy. Like for example your cell phone helps you keep in touch with friends and families, but it also makes it easier for the feds to track your location.
Technology isn't the real problem, though; rather, the law has yet to catch up to our evolving expectations of and need for privacy. In fact, new government initiatives and laws have severely undermined our rights in recent years.
This issue will only be solving if the government will implement law for the privacy in using new technologies. So that people will also stop abusing the right of the other people.

Free Speech Issues among online Journalists

Freedom of speech is the concept of being able to speak freely without censorship. It is often regarded as an integral concept in modern liberal democracies. The synonymous term freedom of expression is sometimes preferred, since the right is not confined to verbal speech but is understood to protect any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used.
In practice, the right to freedom of speech is not absolute in any country, although the degree of freedom varies greatly. Industrialized countries also have varying approaches to balance freedom with order.
For the On-line Journalists, this free speech can be applied. Since they have their code of ethics and code of conducts, they are free to put any issues in their online news as long as they cannot defame any body.

Sources: services